Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Daily Grind(r)

It is difficult to talk about the gay community today without discussing the app Grindr. Most gay, bisexual, closeted, and curious men are on it because it provides easy access to sex and casual interaction. Not that casual situations are all it can be used for, but I would bet that casual encounters are it's main purpose.

Grindr has played a huge roll in my gay life, and I can not really tell my story without it. Since, I did not come out until I was 25 I did not have any gay friends and had no idea how to go about meeting men. My introduction to Grindr happened on accident and without much thought. I was up one night watching One Girl Five Gays on LOGO (the "gay" channel). One Girl Five Gays is a panel show where people send in questions about love and sex. The one girl, the moderator, asks these questions to the five gay men on the panel. The show is wildly entertaining and the panel picks from a pool of about twenty guys so you see the same ones over and over again, so you get to know them a litte. Some are annoying as hell, but others are interesting.

Anyway, one of the panelists mentioned an app called grindr that he said he saw his neighbor on. This was the opportunity that I needed. This app would give me easy access to other gay/questioning/bisexual men with little effort. I quickly downloaded this app and began grinding. At first I was anxious all the time because I grew up in a very conservative household and men randomly sending me pictures of their penises really freaked me out. Plus the plethora of hung daddies looking to breed a tight hole is enough to petrify anyone. Basically Grindr lines up all these guys in their geographical distance from you. It enables you to create a very small, simple profile with a picture (not nude), height, weight, age, several other criteria, and a blip about yourself.

                                              My current Grindr Profile, taken from Grindr

There are men of all shapes, colors, and sizes looking for anything from chat to marriage to orgies. Basically, if you look hard enough you can find anything. At this point I knew absolutely nothing about gay life and sex except for what I had seen on the media and on gay porn. Interacting with other men turned out to be easier than I thought and I tended to attract men who weren't as sexually driven. At some point sex would be something I was looking for, but in the beginning I was still quite innocent and I had no idea what anal sex entailed.

Some people go on Grindr only when they are looking for a hookup, and there are people that use Grindr like text messaging. Going on it regularly throughout the day to chat and make friends with people. I even met my only boyfriend to date on Grindr. The experince was meant to be just a hookup and it evolved into much, much more. There is substance on Grindr, you just have to see past the horny ego's at times to see it.

Grindr is a slot machine of possibilities and you never know what you will come across. The variety and spontaneity of it all leaves the door open to many experiences. Like I said previously you can find anything you want on Grindr. There is even this guy that lives a few towns over that leaves his apartment open, you walk into his bedroom, fuck him and leave. I mean if you can find that readily just imagine what is lurking behind false pretenses.

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